Summary - TST 28


TST 28

Marcelo Ernesto BASUALDO

La gestión de la carne vacuna en Argentina y las políticas estatales aplicadas entre 1930 y 1990

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Key Words: International market, economic policy, Argentina, beef.

[ Abstract ]

After the international crisis of the 1930s, the state began to intervene in the beef market, and during the following fifty years, representatives of the livestock market were involved in the determination of sector policies through the National Meat Board and the CAP, Corporation of Argentine Meat Producers, created in the 1930s. These organizations, after some initial years of clear leadership and autonomy, had to be submitted to the economic policy of successive governments, because of the importance of the beef market to the country’s economy.

The farmer’s representatives should respond one way or another to the economic policy of the government. As a matter of fact, the files of the CAP board of directors –AI, General Archive of the Nation – mainly reflect this interaction between the livestock producers and the ‘frigoríficos’ –slaughterhouses–on the one hand, and the state on the other hand, as well as most critical issues that affected them. In this paper is confronted the livestock sector’s biased view of political decisions with the analytical studies on the problems, diagnosis, business and sector policies and the measures adopted by the state to solve them.