Summary - TST 24


TST 24

Sasha D. Pack
El turismo en la Europa de la postguerra: de la diplomacia esterliniana al consumismo de masas.

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Key Words: Tourism, modernization, European Integration, International Relations.

[ Abstract ]

This article aims to provide a broad synthetic look at the role of states and international institutions in the development of tourism in Europe since the Second World War. After a short survey of relevant historiography on modern tourism as a transnational phenomenon, the article discusses the emergence of state and intergovernmental institutions dedicated to tourism promotion in the early twentieth century. While these often conceived tourism to be in the service of nationalist ends, the period following 1945 gave rise to the first concerted efforts to place tourism in the service of a broad, multilateral project to rebuild and develop the European economy. The article considers the consequences and limits of this project, with some additional thoughts on efforts to implement a similar program in the socialist bloc countries.