Summary - TST 21


TST 21

Cecilia A. Fandos y María Teresa Bovi
“Un cuerpo sin cabeza”: el Ferrocarril Central Norte, 1890-1925. Debates y balances en torno al impulso del “progreso” en Jujuy (Argentina)

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Key Words: Railways, Business History, Regional development, Freight transport, Social and economic development.

[ Abstract ]

The Central North Railway (locally known as FCCN) was quite an important line in Argentina because its services connected several provinces with each other and also connected Argentina with Chile and Bolivia as an international link. Furthermore, the National State attempted the national unification and consolidation of its internal market through this railway. Nonetheless, many of the expectations for this transport system began to be critically analyzed in the early XXth century, including technical difficulties in its freight liner and highly expensive freight costs.
Intending to delve into the study of the economical effects of the Jujuy province’s railway from the 1890s to the 1920s, in this article we carry out, firstly, a qualitative study about the ideas and points of view of the pros and cons of this means of transport for the regional economy. Secondly, we reconstruct the extent of the cargo which had been delivered from Jujuy province, classifying it by categories, geographical origin (including railway stations) and its evolution until 1925.