Summary - TST 2



Domingo Cuéllar Villar
Las obras públicas y el marco institucional durante la Restauración. El Ministerio de Fomento (1875-1913)

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[ Abstract ]

The present paper intends to make a tour around the performance of the Promotion Ministry along the first period of the Restoration in Spain. In the study are outlined topics of organization and competitions to know the evolution of its functions, in a ministerial department that was progressively losing attributions and would centre its performance in public works, function that in previous years had already constituted an important part of its budget. The substantial legislative array would regulate and normalize the functions and services that were assaulted in highways, railways, hydraulic works, ports or beacons. It is also made a valuation of the amounts budgeted in a general perspective of the joint of the State, taking into account that these economic services would collect special dimension in the following years and that until this moment the State, scanty in resources, was shown vainer than effective.