Summary - TST 19


TST 19

Daniel Castillo Hidalgo
Forjando Imperios: La conferencia marítima de 1895 y su repercusión en Canarias y África Occidental (1895-1914)

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Key Words: Ports; Multinational enterprises; Colonialism; International trade; International agreements.

[ Abstract ]

The shipping conferences are historical phenomenons that were usual in the last third ofthe 19th Century. Their leading role as regulator of the maritime activity supposed the establishment of an Atlantic hierarchichal structure, where the main shipping enterprises played a key role. In the Canary Islands and West Africa, the shipping conference agreed between Elder Dempster and Woermann Linie in 1895 supposed a restructuration of the port traffics, increasing the activity in the Canary ports and placing them at the top of the ports hierarchy in the Middle Atlantic. The enterprises that participated in this conference enjoyed an advantageous comparative position regarding their competitors.