Summary - TST 5



Ramón Lanza García
La depresión económica del Seiscientos en la España Cantábrica: el caso de las Cuatro Villas de la costa

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Key words: Sea fishing and trade; urban population; economic evolution; 18th century.

[ Abstract ]

The modern age brought new opportunities for the expansion of the marine and fishing activities all over Europe. On the ports of the Cantabrian coast, however, this growth was short-lived and was very soon replaced by a profound and long economic depression. After a brief consideration of the economic structure of the “Cuatro Villas” region, the study centres itself on the analysis of the dual course of the urban population, with special attention to the seafaring people and to the economy, both: of the commerce and the fishing activities. Afterwards, some possible explanations are advanced, amongst which stand out the collapse of the Castilian demand and, above all, the intervention of the monarchy through the naval, military and fiscal policies. With the first-hand sources that the regional study provides, it is possible to estimate the extent and nature of a depression of general character.